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SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School

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In Spring 1, we will be focusing on the virtue ‘Patience’

“Be patient and wait for the Lord to act, don’t be worried about those who prosper or those who succeed in their evil plans. Don’t give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble.” (Psalm 37:7-8)


Definition of Patience

You are able to wait without complaining because you know that some things take time. You are calm and trusting. You know that waiting is sometimes painful or hard to do but you trust that later on something good will happen. You have enough self-control to wait and tolerate something because you know that you can’t control the way someone is acting or what is happening.



Catholic sources

“When you are on the journey, many things happen that are not always good. For me, the attitude of parents when a child is born sick or disabled says a lot about patience as a virtue on the journey. “But thank God that [our child] is alive!” [They might say.] These are people with patience. And they bear the life of that child with love, even to the end. And it is not easy care for a disabled or sick child year after year after year… but the joy of having that child gives them the strength to go forward. And this is patience, not resignation – that is, it is the virtue that comes when one is on the journey.” Pope Francis


You are able to wait without complaining because you know that some things take time. You are calm and trusting. You know that waiting is sometimes painful or hard to do but you trust that later on something good will happen. You have enough self-control to wait and tolerate something because you know that you can’t control the way someone is acting or what is happening. “When things don’t go our way, we complain. But, step back for a moment, think about the patience of God the Father, embrace patience, as Jesus did. Patience is a beautiful virtue. Let us ask the Lord for it.” Pope Francis


Why Practice Patience?

When you are patient you can wait without complaining. Often when we are aiming to achieve a goal we need to be patient with ourselves and others to fulfil our hopes and dreams. When we are patient with others we work with God to build them up and give them confidence to keep going. When you are patient with yourself you build your capacity to grow in love and knowledge of God.


How do we Practice Patience at SS Peter and Paul?

At SS Peter and Paul, we practice patience by waiting calmly and accepting things that are beyond our control, trusting that everything is in God’s hands. We show patience by remaining calm with others, relying on God to give us the strength to be patient with both ourselves and those around us. We also practice patience by trying to understand different points of view and listening attentively to others.