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SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School

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Changes have been made to the guidance on school admissions. The key changes are around how Catholic practice is evidenced. The diocese have moved away from a Supplementary Information Form and moved to a diocesan Certificate of Practice. The purpose of this is to achieve greater consistency across the diocese. Under the new arrangements, schools that are not or have no realistic possibility of being oversubscribed may drop this particular criterion and evidence Catholic applicants by way of a baptism certificate. This is intended to reflect the current situation in the diocese, with particular regard to falling pupil numbers.
Please click below to view our school guidance documents.


Please make contact with the school via email or phone so that we can organise a meeting or a tour. 

Please email: office@sspp.merton.sch.uk or ring 020 8648 1459

Applying for a School Place

Please click the icon below for the Merton website school admissions pages. For residents in other local authorities please head directly to your local authority website and follow the links to school admissions.

e admissions london