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SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School

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Physical Education

Our Intent for Physical Education

“The game is never more important than the people you play with.”   Debra Demaline Maxted


Our Intent

At SS Peter and Pauls we believe physical education (PE) is an integral part of a child’s physical, emotional and mental education and also drives personal development.  Our pupils learn to develop positive attitudes such as perseverance, self confidence, co-operation, respect for each other, rules and conventions and the ability to compete fairly. They learn to make informed choices about a healthy and active lifestyle and develop a love of physical activity so that it continues into adult life.


Our Implementation

All children complete two hours of Physical Education per week covering two different skills or sports which change each term. Children are assessed every half term on the sporting skills they have learnt where they will receive either a bronze,silver or gold. This allows us to identify children that need further support and children that have excelled and would benefit from further training sessions with a local sports club.

We follow the sequenced Merton School Sports Partnership's schemes of work as well as Real PE for early years and KS1 to ensure all pupils participate and develop in a variety of sports, covering the National Curriculum objectives.

In Key Stage 2 Children are given the opportunity to compete in sports events run by MSSPs. With a variety of Borough championships and Inclusive festivals these give every child an opportunity to compete at an appropriate level to enrich their experience of PE and competitive sport and understand sportsmanship.

We have adopted an approach to our swimming curriculum lessons that involves year 3 having intensive swimming lessons. We also target year 6 children that are not at the national expected level to attend a week’s worth of  intensive swimming lessons.

We have recently introduced leadership into year 5’s curriculum. They are taught and have the opportunity to become young leaders from leading activities and games to supporting physical activity at lunchtimes for all children and support staff at competitions and festivals. This is a great way to have all children involved in sport regardless of

their ability.


During lunchtime we have sport coach specialists who lead different sports and activities in the KS2 and KS1 playground.


Extra-curricular clubs and sporting activities

At SSPP we have a  wide range of after school clubs available for children to access, allowing them to engage in additional sports outside of school hours. These include Cheerleading, multi skills, gymnastics, football, gaelic football, archery, athletics and many more clubs offered throughout the academic year.

The school has been awarded the Active Mark Gold Award for outstanding PE and sport provision. 

“Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”  John F. Kennedy