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SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School

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Our Intent for Science


“We have the opportunity to create the future and decide what that’s like” - Mae Jemison, former NASA astronaut, engineer, physician and the first black woman to travel into space.


Our Intent


At SS Peter and Paul Primary School, we believe that science should stimulate the intellect, curiosity, interest and above all, the enjoyment of pupils. We intend for all pupils to experience an inspiring, practical and motivational science environment. Science helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of, is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science. We aim for all pupils to have access to a science curriculum that meets the needs of all learners and equips them with the scientific skills necessary for them to succeed. We want all pupils to develop a positive, ‘can do’ attitude to science and support all children to become scientists, with a solid understanding of the world around them and the significance of science in the past, today and for the future.


Our Implementation


We believe that a hands-on approach to teaching science ensures that children are given the opportunity to solve scientific enquiry. Children will discover the way the scientific world works, investigate the role of science in daily life and challenge their views on the scientific world.

Our science curriculum is based around enquires where the learners work collaboratively to investigate engaging questions, conduct memorable experiments, evaluate findings and deepen their scientific knowledge. We use the acronym DRAKE in all of our lessons to ensure that children: 

D- Discover 

R- Relate to real life experiences 

A- Active participants 

K- Kinaesthetic in their learning (“hands on”)

E- Enquiry based on their learning 


Science is taught through the Knowledge and Understanding of World strand within the Early Years curriculum. Across the school in Year 1 to Year 6, depending on the year group, four to five units are taught covering all aspects of the scientific processes.  All children are taught from an early age to identify the types of enquiry skills needed to solve scientific investigations. These are made clear to the children in each lesson and the ‘working scientifically’ skills they will be using. These are:


Observations over time

Secondary source research

Comparative and fair testing

Pattern seeking

Identifying and classifying.

In an ever-changing world, we are constantly faced with huge social, technological and environmental issues that need to be resolved. Our children will be the solution.



Science Curriculum Map


Some useful websites:
